Hi, I am a Gyanig Kumar, with bachleor degree in Computer Science and Systems Engineering. I am currently Research Assistant at Intelligent Inclusive Interaction Design (I3D) Lab, IISc Bangalore under Prof. Pradipta Biswas.


My research interests are in Object Detection and Tracking, Multi-modal Learning, Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation in 2D/3D, Deep Learning methodalogies and Problem Solving. Apart from the mentioned, I actively pursue interests in Monocular Depth Estimation, low-computation and faster Landmark Detection library, Open-source Gaze estimation Library and Music compositions.

I always dedicate my time to solving problems in the focus of Computer Vision and Human computer Interaction(+Robotics) Research.

I try to keep up with the basics of new learning methodologies like Domain Adaption, Self-Supervised Learning, Graph Neural Networks, Inverse-Reinforcement-Learning, other novel transformer mechanisms quite often by implementing some good papers on my own.

I am a part-time graduate studies teacher for mathematics 1 and 2 at PTC, Suriname. I am involved in teaching, mentoring and building learning modules for students.

When I take breaks, my favourite things are to play guitar, click pictures, build small robotics stuff automating my room, basically average hobbyist guy.


  • Febuary 2024: Demo/Poster Paper "Multimodal Target Prediction for rapid Human-Robot Interaction" in prestigious 29th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2024.

  • January 2024: Paper accepted "Enhanced Human-Robot Collaboration with Intent Prediction using Deep-IRL" in prestigious IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024.

  • December 2023: Journal accepted "Mixed Reality and Deep Learning based System for Assisting Assembly Process" available online on Springer [Link]

  • November 2023: Submitted our Demo/Poster Paper "Multimodal Target Prediction for rapid Human-Robot Interaction" in prestigious 29th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2024.

  • November 2023: Submitted our Full Paper "Enhanced Human-Robot Collaboration with Intent Prediction using Deep-IRL" in prestigious IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024.

  • August 2023: Graduated in Bachelors in Technology in Computer Science and Systems Engineering from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology(KIIT).

  • March 2023: Joined my first research job at I3D labs, Department of Manufacturing and Design, Indian Institute of Science as Research Assistant under Prof. Pradipta Biswas.

  • December 2022: Submitted for Journal "Mixed Reality and Deep Learning based System for Assisting Assembly Process" in the journal of multimedia interfaces (IF-2.9).

  • September 2022: Paper "Efficient Interaction with Automotive Heads Up Displays using Appearance-based Gaze Tracking" available online on ACM Digital library [Link]

  • July 2022: Paper "Efficient Interaction with Automotive Heads Up Displays using Appearance-based Gaze Tracking" accepted in Work-In-Progress Track at AutomotiveUI 2022 Conference.

  • July 2022: Had an oppurtunity to showcase Lab Projects on UNESCO visit at I3D Labs, IISc Bangalore.

  • June 2022: Submitted Work-in-progress paper in the AutoUI 2022

  • April 2022: Started my first internship at I3D Labs, IISc Bangalore.

  • September 2021: Summer School Fellowship completed at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad.